Saturday, October 17, 2015


Welcome to my blog! Well, at least what’s of it but don’t worry I’ll learn in time and hopefully I would be able to get the hang of this and get my way around.

 So I’ll start with why
 Why am I making a blog?
It was on impulse actually. I’m very fond of looking for inspirations and making them my peg. It was around mid-May this year that I came across @lilymaymac on instagram and let me tell you, I fell in love. Who wouldn’t? To me she is perfection and very inspirational but let’s not dig on that because it would take me hours if I go on about her so anyway, back to my point: she became my inspiration! I slowly learned stuff about her through her social media and what got me in awe was how she’s working at a law firm while studying! I know, I know, it’s common to have part time jobs as a student but I don’t know it just kind of clicked to me then I wanted to earn too. So I looked for possible jobs that doesn’t take much time but sadly, my job hunting skills are poor*insert sad face here* but that didn’t stop me though haha! I’m really stubborn and I like to get what I want so if I can’t have it, I’ll make a way to have it which kinda led me to constant job searches and finding alternates. And last night, I think my prayers were heard! I have known about Nuffnang! I’m willing to try this out so friends, please keep posted! I’ll try my best to entertain you ♡
So here I am, made this blog on impulse hahaha but either earning from this or not, I’ll keep going! I’ll think of this as my online diary. As of now, I’m learning on how to make this work and how to make this blog better visually and by content. I’m very keen on posting about my trip in 2 weeks though so please stay tune!!
Love, Candy ♡